National Women's Political Caucus San Gabriel Valley

Our Mission

The National Women's Political Caucus is a pro-choice, multicultural, intergenerational, and multi-issue grassroots organization dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process and creating a true women’s political power base to achieve equality for all women. NWPC recruits, trains and supports pro-choice women candidates for elected and appointed offices at all levels of government regardless of party affiliation. 

In addition to financial donations, the Caucus offers campaign training for candidates and campaign managers, as well as technical assistance and advice. State and local chapters provide support to candidates running for all levels of office by helping raise money and providing crucial hands-on volunteer assistance.

The NWPC San Gabriel Valley was first established in the 1970’s as NWPC Pasadena by a group of dedicated forward-thinking women. The caucus has been extremely successful throughout the years and expanded their service area to include all the communities of San Gabriel Valley. January 2019 the caucus formally changed their name to NWPC San Gabriel Valley to better identify the geographic service.

National Women’s Political Caucus San Gabriel Valley includes the cities of Alhambra, Arcadia, Baldwin Park, Covina, Diamond Bar, Duarte, El Monte, Industry, Irwindale, La Puente, Monrovia, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pomona, Rosemead, San Gabriel, San Marino, South El Monte, South Pasadena, Temple City, Walnut, West Covina and some unincorporated areas of Northeast Los Angeles County.


Glass ceilings are meant

to be broken.

First all-women Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, elected 2023


Bylaws and Minutes



Tammy Silver


estella maldonado

Vice President and Communications

Adele Andrade-stadler

Political Action Committee

Jeanette Flores

Candidate Support, Education, and Training

Denise Menchaca


Stephanie vega


Marcia Wilson


Marissa Castro-Salvati


Sandra Armenta


Linda Wah


Cindy Wu

State Representative

Mary ann Lutz

Past President

 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

We, the National Women’s Political Caucus of the San Gabriel Valley, dedicate ourselves to actively creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive space to recruit, train, and elect womxn to office.  We are dedicated to the core issues of:

●        Reproductive Freedom

●        Combatting Sexual Harassment

●        Providing Dependent Care

●        Achieving Equal Pay

●        Ratifying the ERA

●        Ending Discrimination

In our society, in order to create the system we aim for, it is not enough to be anti-discriminatory. We must practice active and intersectional inclusion, combatting past biases and microaggressions, thinking outside of our habits. 

We aim to create a space for not only constructive conversation but also action. We will hold our public officials to be transparent and accountable to the values on which we elect them. We are not afraid to demand systemic changes and be a voice for marginalized interests. We strive to create a system of elected officials that look like and represent the communities in which they serve. We want to ensure that caucus decisions are made through an equitable and diverse lens that represents ALL members, not just those who come from a place of political, social, and/or economic privilege. We work to create awareness, understanding, and sensitivity to the diverse experiences that make us who we are (including race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, language, nationality, physical ability, religion, and more). Similarly, we hold ourselves accountable to support womxn from all backgrounds and experiences and use inclusive language in our communications and statements. 

We will stand up for our local community of human beings. We will hold ourselves accountable when we make mistakes. As allies and members of diverse communities, we will continue to educate ourselves and others, stand against hatred, and listen to and uplift marginalized voices. 


Our Values




There are moments in our lives when we stop to take stock of ourselves, our decisions, our beliefs, and our actions.   That moment is now.

NWPC San Gabriel Valley has a mission to elect women to office. We do this because it is right, fair, and comports with our beliefs in equality for women. But as we have been reminded by the events of May 2020 equality is for ALL!

*We condemn in the strongest terms the unjust murder of George Floyd

*We condemn all police brutality and the systems that allow this brutality

* We condemn a criminal justice system that disproportionately targets Black Americans.

* We condemn the widespread disenfranchisement of Black communities whose voices are silenced at the polls

* We condemn looting and vandalism that distract from the peaceful protests

* We declare Black Lives Matter

* We support peaceful, mindful protesting

*We support overarching legislation to deter and punish police brutality

* We support women candidates of all races, colors and creeds who comport with our baseline issues

*We support educating, empowering, and supporting Black communities in their efforts to cast ballots

*We cannot be there for women candidates, if we are not also standing up specifically for Black women candidates.

Each one of us needs to do our part, this is our country, our state, our communities. It won’t happen overnight, and the process will be uncomfortable at times, but it is exactly what we are here for, let’s all join together in solidarity to build a better future!



The National Women’s Political Caucus, San Gabriel Valley, stands in solidarity with the Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, sending our deepest condolences and support to those affected and grieving. We strongly condemn hatred, bigotry, and racism in all its forms. We especially condemn hatred that leads to racially or sexually motivated violence. 

Asian Americans of all backgrounds are a backbone of our democracy and our country. The AAPI community has been a target of racism well before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the level of racism has increased dramatically in the last year. The vitriol and hate speech coming from leaders and individuals all over the country and world have directly contributed to this surge in violence and racism, and we strongly condemn it. 

The NWPC SGV values the diversity of race, gender, ethnicity, ideas, religion, and more. We aim to support our AAPI community through our words and actions. We will stand up for our global community of human beings. We will continuously work to create self-awareness of microaggressions and bias. We will strive to hold ourselves accountable when we make mistakes. As allies, we will continue to educate ourselves and others, stand against hatred, report instances of violence and racism, and listen to and uplift the voices of our AAPI community. We encourage you to do the same.

Here is a link to a set of resources to support the AAPI community, in their time of grief and beyond.